What makes a food a carbohydrate?

Carbohydrates are classified by their chemical structure and divided into three groups: Monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Monosaccharides (“mono” -one) contains only one sugar group, oligosaccharides contain multiple monosaccharides. Polysaccharides are the most complex have 10 or more monosaccharides linked together. Now, what does this mean in comparison to the sugars we eat?
Monosaccharides: Glucose, fructose, mannose, ribose
Oligosaccharides: Sucrose, maltose, lactose
Polysaccharides: starches, glycogen, fiber
Each structure of carbohydrates affects how we digest and absorb them. When you picture carbohydrates: what do you see? Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, etc? Most of these are examples of a Polysaccharide. Due to there complex structures, these foods need to be broken down into monosaccharides to be able to be absorbed in the bloodstream.
How does the body break down and absorb carbohydrates?
It all starts in your mouth. Yes, your mouth! Your saliva helps to break down polysaccharides into smaller chains. Once you swallow, the food travels from your esophagus into your stomach. Your stomach now decides if anything is toxic or not and to destroy any harmful pathogens; next stop small intestine! The small intestines job at this point is to break down the food back to its original form as a monosaccharide. The products then pass into your blood vessel that travels into the liver. The liver now takes what it needs for energy and storage and what is left over is called glucose! Your leftover glucose now turns into a triglycerides AKA FAT CELLS!
How does this relate to Ideal Protein?
On the Ideal Protein protocol we are detoxing your body from sugars, (monosaccharides), and instead of using glucose for energy, we are using your stored body fat for energy.
Why can’t I cheat on the protocol? Is one thing off plan really going to kick me out of ketosis?
Eliminating excess sugars from the body, means we are operating off of a different energy source not from glucose, allowing us to use our stored fat for energy. If we eat a carbohydrate, you are now telling your liver - hey stop using my body fat for energy, and use this new glucose in my liver for energy! A small amount won't make you gain weight - but it will stop your weight loss progress and kick you out of ketosis. It would be the same as putting diesel in a hybrid electric car. We want the car to operate off of an electric energy source, and you can put regular gas in the car but if we put diesel into the hybrid car, it will run for a few miles until the engine shuts down. The same thing happens in your body. Fuel your body like you fuel your car, only with the stuff that should be in it!
Carbs are not created equal. Ask your Nutrition Coach how to detox your liver, and get started with the Ideal Protein Protocol!